Sunday, May 20, 2007

Freaking Antiviruses

The computer may have improved our lives greatly, but these crappy antiviruses are a real pain in the ass. I am onto my seventh anitvirus now, and believe you me they all suck. Don't think any one has ever protected me against any virus, but they surely have bugged me a lot by slowing down my lousy computer and throwing crappy messages of which I can't make heads and tails.

Heard about this antivirus war. Not between the antivirus manufacturers and poor hackers but in fact among the antivirus companies themselves. The theory goes saying that all companies spend more money in actually making viruses which other antiviruses wouldn't be able to anti-out, and hence boost up their sales. Now if they are making all the viruses, what are the hackers doing, they are getting jobless. Or are they the ones who have formed this anti-antivirus-company group to fight the evil and are just misunderstood, damn they are like e-age freedom fighters. Or were there ever any hackers, just another government conspiracy!!!

Maybe its all Microsoft's plan, the satanic Bill Gates' another way to get richer. Intentionally make so many faults in the operating system making it vulnerable. Haven't we all heard (though few would have tried) that Linux, Mac n all have real low virus problem. Microsoft is like the corrupt government employee taking bribes from the antivirus companies to help em out. Or a way to rule the world (read an article where Nostradamus claimed the end of world by a devil which the author claimed to be Gates, with all the references sounding actually quite convincing)

Well whatever it maybe, I am in a desperate need of a good antivirus which doesn't fuck up my computer badly, and course its pirated version is easily available for download. So if you know of one, do suggest me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This blog stinks

This blog is dedicated to one of the most common phenomenon of this world, the thing that we all do (some more than others), FARTING!!!
Yeah I am talking about the same gasto-intrinsic gas that nature makes us release. It comes among the top three pleasures a person can ever have, though its rank among sex and scratching an itch may be debatable, but it definitely stands alongside them.

So why does this beautiful creation of nature stink. I am sure a medical practitioner would give a brilliant answer to this question but still if you ask me, well if flowers which blossom out of that lousy mud which is the waste disposal system of a large number of animals and they have well comparably a nicer odour, then why don't our farts???

If you ask me the answer to this problem is simple, man is supposed to stink, nature created it that way. We were created to smell and that too real bad, it is our natural odour. Just smell yourself after a sprint, or without a bath and deo for a few days.

So next time your the guy ahead of you in the queue farts right on you, do not start flinching your nose or make weird faces, take it as God's gift to mankind to remember them of their true self. So keep smiling and keep farting.

PS: The title of the blog isn't intended as a pun, I know this blog really stinks.